Friday, October 17, 2008

Gettin' my politic on...

Well, friends. I usually don't get all riled up about politics because honestly, I get so sick of hearing from other people what they think that I want to VO-MIT. But, I just have to say something here.
Whether or not you like Obama...or think he's going to be a good president...what difference would it make if he were Muslim??!?! Does that exclude someone from being a good president? Does that mean that he won't uphold the Constitution? I'm Catholic. None of the candidates are, so should I fear that they will embark on some crazy Protestant rampage? Should I? What if he were Jewish...or atheist? What about separation of church and state? Where did that go?
Honestly, what really matters (fixing healthcare, education, economic issues), is what you should base your vote on.
So SMACK UPSIDE YO' HEAD! You have just recieved a dose of Naasstone political commentary. Eat it, suckers.

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