Saturday, October 25, 2008

Guess which one is MEEE!!

I had an awesome childhood. If I ever wanted to tell something to my mom and dad, it would be that. We may not have had a lot of money, but we had so much family, I don't remember that part at all. We were always with family. I really loved having my sister and cousins and grandparents around.

Sometimes I feel like I'm robbing my kids of the same great childhood that I had. But what can you do? We're all scattered now.

Grandpa John (pictured in the center) died this spring right before my other granpa did. I miss them more than I thought I would. They were loud, outspoken, opinionated and often crotchety. But there is definitely something missing in my visits without them.

I'm looking forward to the holidays. Even though these are the first Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays without my grandpas, I know my family. And I know that someone will find it in their hearts to drive to the liquor store, buy some booze and we can all sit around making bad jokes and talking about the ones that didn't make it home (or at least the ones who went out to get more booze). And then we'll eat and eat until we can't eat any more. Then we'll pile our fat asses into the car and go to someone else's house to eat more.

Here's to awesome families. The world would be a better place if everyone had one.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Gettin' my politic on...

Well, friends. I usually don't get all riled up about politics because honestly, I get so sick of hearing from other people what they think that I want to VO-MIT. But, I just have to say something here.
Whether or not you like Obama...or think he's going to be a good president...what difference would it make if he were Muslim??!?! Does that exclude someone from being a good president? Does that mean that he won't uphold the Constitution? I'm Catholic. None of the candidates are, so should I fear that they will embark on some crazy Protestant rampage? Should I? What if he were Jewish...or atheist? What about separation of church and state? Where did that go?
Honestly, what really matters (fixing healthcare, education, economic issues), is what you should base your vote on.
So SMACK UPSIDE YO' HEAD! You have just recieved a dose of Naasstone political commentary. Eat it, suckers.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I kind of want to suck your blood...if you make it easy for me...

Ahhh...Liam the vampire. Have you ever seen a more "get the hell out of my face" look from the undead? And that whistle says, hey...I've been out sucking blood all night, can you give it a rest?

He calls these his "bite teeth." See? Even a three-year-old knows what they're for!

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?